We are Green

proud of it but never satisfied

in short words


We operate in Vallagarina green valley where industry operates in harmony with natural environment.


With our dies you can increase recovery reducing scrap and increasing productivity. The less scrap and time to transform an aluminum billet into saleable aluminum the less carbon footprint!


Our Environmental Management System complying with the requirements of standard ISO 14001:2005.

Our Environmental Management System complying with the requirements of standard ISO 14001:2005.


Located on the roofs of the production area, our two photovoltaic systems allow us to produce peaks of 250 kWh of renewable electricity that covers more than 10% of our total consumption.


A modern geothermal plant uses the water table of the Adige river to reduce our consumption of electricity and methane gas used for the cooling systems of the offices and EDM departments.


And we have no intention of stopping there: we will use every opportunity to improve our impact on the environment for future generations. We will never sit down!